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Q & A

Check out our frequently asked questions. If you do not find an answer to your question please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Why do I need Zip Time Tracker?

That's an easy one. Zip Time Tracker is designed for anyone who sells hours: developers, designers, freelancers, contractors, writers, lawyers, small businesses, big businesses, etc. With our online time tracking tool you can:

How much does it cost?

The first month is free and no credit card is required. To continue using Zip Time Tracker after the free trial period you will be required to activate your account with a credit card and select a package. View our package pricing.

What features does Zip Time Tracker include?

Time tracking, invoicing, reporting and more. Take the tour for more information, or see for yourself by logging into the demo account.

Is my information safe?

Absolutely. Your information, your user's information and your client's information is kept strictly confidential. Credit card information is stored on PCI compliant web servers, and user's invoices are charged using PayPal's secure infrastructure.

How do I sign up?

We thought you'd never ask - fill out the Sign Up form and that's it!

Are there any downloads or installs required?

Nope. If you are reading this page, you have what is needed to use Zip Time Tracker! An internet connection and a web browser less than 15 years old is all it takes. We recommend Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

How can I reset my password?

Go to your Zip login screen (eg. and enter your login email address in the "Email Address" field, then press the "Reset Password" link. If the email address is valid, your password will be reset and sent to you immediately.

I need help using the time tracking web application...

Check out the tutorial walk-throughs in Zip Time Tracker's back-end. After logging in to your account, hover over your company name in the rop right corner and click on 'Tutorial' from the drop-down menu. Click on the tutorial you wish to view. If you still need help, click on "Help" from the drop-down menu. If you are still stuck please contact us.